Study Finds 50% of Moms Have Friended Their Children on Facebook

Posted on May 9, 2012

A new study by JustAsk! from Crowd Science reveals some findings about how mothers are using social media. The study found that half of moms are friends with their children on Facebook.

Sandra Marshall, VP of Research at Crowd Science, says, "It's no surprise in the age of social media, that 79% of moms share content like videos, photos and links with friends and family online, but the fact that they use digital channels to stay connected with their kids is very telling. Moms today are no different than in the past. They just want to stay connected with the people that matter to them most: their kids."

The study also found that 1 in 10 moms are early adopters and 17% maintain their own blog. Here is an infographic with some of Crowd Science's findings:

Mom is on Facebook Infographic

Image: Crowd Science

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