Search Engine Shows Bloggers' Opinions

Posted on January 14, 2006

Opinmind is a new blog search engine that shows bloggers' opinions. When a subject (keyword) such as "beer" is typed into the search engine the results are divided into two categories: positive opinions and negative opinions. Opinmind also displays the Sentimeter, which displays the relative number of positive and negative opinions identified by Opinmind. The results can also be sorted by date or by the strength of the opinion.

A surprising find using Opinmind is that a search for blogging shows sentimeter score of just 71%. There are lots of negative posts about blogging like "i hate blogging..." "I think blogging is an evil thing" and "I hate my blogging style." Of course, a tool like OpinMind can pull things out of context and everyone gets frustrated now and then on their personal blogs.

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